The Truth Shall Set You Free

Kari Bunn at CEDU

Kari Bunn and other survivors of the Troubled Teen Industry are making a documentary about this subject independently.

CEDU was sold to the parents that sent their children there from 1967-2005 as an experimental “emotional growth” boarding school that was guaranteed to save their child’s life; no matter the problem they arrived with. It was built on the teachings and tactics of Synanon and E.S.T. Seminars.

CEDU was one of the first of these schools and it spawned an entire industry of schools that claimed to cure any unwanted behavior; be it harmful or not. We are making a documentary that will bridge the gap between The Synanon Fix on HBO MAX and The Program on Netflix.

You can reach Kari Bunn and her team of survivors and producers here if you would like to be interviewed or have any information you think may help. We will have a trailer for the documentary very soon.
